Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Erlang, port_control, linked-in driver and badarg

port_control function may return badarg if control function (implemented in linked-in driver) returns value which not equals number of bytes filled in rbuf.

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to connect to erlang node on remote machine

I'm very new in Erlang node and just studing it.
I have some trouble with connecting Erlang nodes on remote machine. And I found following solution:
Erlang (or erlang shell) should be started with same cookie on remote machines, i.e.:

erl -name node1 -setcookie my-cookie
erl -name node2 -setcookie my-cookie

Thursday, July 9, 2009

valgrind, dlopen and debug info

You may encounter with following situation: you profile your application with valgrind, run the KCachegrind and you are not seeing debug info for some your modules.

As wrote in the internets this is a bug (,

In my case I can avoid this bug as following: disable unloading of modules via dlclose.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

SPE stalls and power saving

If the write channel is blocking , then a wrch instruction that is issued when the count for that channel is equal to zero will stall the SPE. Stalling on a wrch instruction can be useful because it saves power.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

asio and asynchronous file processing

Some weeks ago I began tests of reading amount numbers of floats from a text file. I wrote simple test framework and test and compare different methods of file reading. Alex advises me to try the asio in my tests. He advises me to try a version from CVS but I decide to try the latest version – 1.1.0. I use Windows and all my experiments related to it.

Asio has class asio::windows::basic_stream_handle that allows to read stream of data from file. But in the latest version this class has a bug – file pointer not moved and all subsequent calls read data from begin of the file.

The last version from CVS has class asio::windows::basic_random_access_handle that allows to read block (or stream) of data from arbitrary position in file. Using this class I can make my tests.

Test file has following structure:
float float float float
float float float float

float float float float

float float float float

How we read data from the file using the asio? Asio provide functions and classes for read data in two modes – a synchronous and asynchronous.

In my tests I use a hybrid scheme – I read data synchronously for locate section in file and use the asynchronous mode and double-buffering idiom for process float list. Also I run tests only on the first section so code for location section has a small bug.

And now super prize for patient readers – source code of my tests, full source (sorry, for filefactory).

And so, first I define reading handler that will be invoked by the asio kernel when read data will be ready to process. In my sources it's a read_handler function.

Second, before start read data we should define condition with reading will stop. In my sources it's a complete_condition function.

Third, we should define destination of the read data. In the most examples boost::array used or asio::streambuf. boost::array I can't use because reading data without buffering requires that data buffer should be sector aligned. asio::streambuf has its own disadvantages. And so, I use raw pointers.

As I wrote above I early had written realization of test using standard Windows API. I compare results that were obtained and I can conclude that a realization of the asio library is a very and very good.

test of random access from file without buffering (FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING)
On the horizontal bar - size of data buffer (bytes), on the vertical bar - data transfer rate (MB/s)

And also I will choose the asio for all my following projects that require file processing first.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

asio::io_service::reset hint

I can advise to call asio::io_service::reset before each call of asio::io_service::run:
This function must be called prior to any second or later set of invocations of the run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() functions when a previous invocation of these functions returned due to the io_service being stopped or running out of work. This function allows the io_service to reset any internal state, such as a "stopped" flag.

This may prevent you from some stupid errors.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

asio::windows::basic_stream_handle - 2

Also, we can 'hack' windows::basic_stream_handle. If we add following code info file win_iocp_handle_service.hpp after line 691 and basic_stream_handle will works as I expect =)

I don't understand all reasons why asio developers chose different way for solving this 'problem'.

ptr.get()->Offset = boost::uint64_t (handler.total_transferred_) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
ptr.get()->OffsetHigh = (boost::uint64_t (handler.total_transferred_) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
_Winnie C++ Colorizer